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It Was My Lucky Day!

I was the lucky one!
I was a winner!
(And I apologize for not posting about it sooner!)

But I actually won a Blog Giveaway! 
{I know. I can't believe it either!}

Last month I was a lucky winner of one of the prizes in a blog giveaway hosted by one of my new blogger friends Sharon at PrimThyme.

And here are the sweetest prizes I received in the mail. 

Sharon worked so hard on these and I am truly honored to have them. She mentioned in her note that she doesn't even use patterns--she just lets the fabric scrap speak to her! Amazing!!

I'm so happy that my name was picked and that she took the time to host the giveaway.

Thank You Sharon!



Anonymous said...

Ahhh, cute! I love winning stuff, I never win anything. I hope my winning streak starts in Feb. when I go to Vegas BABY!!!

Sheila Bell said...

Hey Cheryl, When you coming to Grapevine? We are iced in right now but not worse then you guys I see. (Today 1/27/09). But as soon as the ice thaws and you make the trek down here give me shout. Maybe we can grab a coffee catch up. Love you girl! Sheila