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We've Been Bzzzzy Little Bees!

My Friend Nancy (that's what I call her...)
(My girls tease me because they know exactly who Nancy is.
Like they'd need any clarification.
And yet, I still refer to her as "My Friend Nancy") {giggle}

I'm rambling.
Let's try again.

So, My Friend Nancy and I worked on booths in the store yesterday.
Oh! It was SO MUCH FUN!!!
I just LOVE creating with Nancy!
(Doesn't that sound like a TV show? Creating With Nancy {snicker})
Cheryl! Stay focussed!
Anyway...we think so much alike that once we get rolling

We hinged doors together, moved merchandise,
waited on customers, freshened up spaces,
and emptied a HUGE, okay tiny, area of my storage room.

And here are some pics of the new Apronality display.

Did I mention it was SO MUCH FUN?!?!?
I just wish there were more hours in the day!
And that My Friend Nancy didn't already have
a full time job so she could come hang out with me every day.

Oh, the things we could do...



Tiffany said...

OH YEAH! I can't believe yall haven't put your aprons in a booth before! if we can just get them online...

Creative Chaos said...

Hey! One thing at a time Girlfriend! {grin} I'm working on it.

~Signed. "Just One Girl"

Anonymous said...

And even more of beautiful aprons in this post:)))
Sometimes I feel deep sorrow about the fact I am almost unable to sew (but I would so much wish to!)